Science and Philosophy relationship goals

Having a relationship with a person is about being able to have that connection by sharing ones ideas and attraction for one another. Even though one person in the relationship can have disagreements one always strives to be at bay with each other. As philosophy and science seem to be from different realms of study they do make a great couple in the field of kinesiology. With one’s ability to question wisdom and the other being able to put measurement into perspective they make a great unity for improving public health. The ideas of philosophy and the assertiveness of science is a necessity for one to understand human movement and improve lives in the field of kinesiology.

In the field of kinesiology measurements do not tell the whole story of human movement. When one moves from point A to point B they obviously have a displacement and a physical change in the human body, but one cannot tell how much hope, trust, and love was causing them to move. For example, a high school athlete named Drew Hunter has broken the high school mile mark at 3:57.81 seconds. Many athletes like professional runner Schwartz would say, “If he has one unique special talent, it’s his mind, not his body. What sets him apart is his focus and a

Drew Hunter braking the mile mark

bility to deal with challenges and view them as opportunities. That to me is what makes him great, not good.” Link of article. There is no measurement in science that can really explain the precise formula for an athlete to be able to compete at extraordinary levels. Hunter must have gone through some difficult training to prepare for this race, but what truly sets him apart from others is his positive mindset and love for the sport of running. Philosophers would view the meaning, value, and culture that has brought Hunter to this level of running and question why may he be better than most athletes his age. Science on other hand would take a different approach and explain the consistency of his training for further improving his physical health. Both science and philosophy are two lenses that one must take in order to understand movement in kinesiology and how to improve patients effectively. These are essential for having a successful career in Kinesiology and may help people cure patients faster.

Integrating philosophy with science can help patients get better faster. Philosophy may seem like a fun class that one can learn and never use it again, but it can be used in more than just the humanities. A philosophical mindset will allow one to view a subject through different lenses which can benefit doctors to take the best approach in helping their patients. In the book, “Practical Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity”, R. Scott Kretchmar says, “Professionals prepared in this way seem to be more effective than their peers. They cure people faster, prevent disease more effectively, improve athletic performance more consistently, and change lives for the better more regularly (Kretchmar Pg. 12). A successful professional would be able to connect the value of idea and human experience and integrate them with the information from sciences. They would have less of a materialistic view on patients and add meaning, value and their culture into perspective in order to understand the best procedure to take. Most doctors today lack the ability to add a human face to their patients because now it has become a business instead of developing a personal relationship with patients. With the integration of philosophy and science as one, doctors in the medical field will be able to further enhance their knowledge of people and how they can best meet their needs.

In the field of Kinesiology one must understand both science and philosophy to be able to make improvements for their patients. Science is the education background for many practitioners in any medical field. This knowledge is what helps practitioners treat and know what to do to help their patients get better. Philosophy on the other hand allows them to add meaning to what they are doing. It helps them value each and every patients needs and includes their culture for better methods on how to meet their religious faith or beliefs. With the fine relationship between science and philosophy one can further improve the medical field to make a difference for the 21st century patients.